- Sarah Sponcil
- Philanthropy
Giving Back
- Sarah Sponcil
- Philanthropy
Letter From Sarah
God calls us all to be servants. To lend a hand without asking for anything in return. Our question in life should not be “How can I get more money, more power, be more successful? but instead, “How can I serve the person next to me? Serving leads to connection and an overall fulfillment in our lives.
When I think of the word connection I think of a bridge. A bridge connects neighborhoods, cities and countries all over the world. As human beings, we have the opportunity to “be a bridge” to connect with those around us. Our hands are a bridge to say hello, help grab an item from the top shelf of a store. Our voices are bridges to say words of encouragement to our family members, teammates and co-workers. If we switch our gaze from serving ourselves to serving others, it will fill a void in our lives that no amount of success, money or power could ever do.
I am so excited to announce my partnerships with two amazing faith-based organizations who do just that… BUILD BRIDGES. World Concern and St. Vincent de Paul are two organizations that go into the far unreached places of the world, acting as a bridge to provide necessary and for, we as Americans, commonplace resources. They’re building global bridges through access to water, food, shelter, churches and schools.

“But whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave- just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
– Matthew 25:40
World Concern is about extremes. We go to the end of the road to serve people in extreme need because we have an extreme calling—to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a broken world. We follow Him to the thirsty. The hungry. Exploited. Traumatized. Forgotten. We Listen. Walk alongside. Equip and train. We see transformation in communities as families move beyond survival. The thirsty drink clean water, the hungry have food, children learn, the enslaved are free, the hopeless find peace with God.
At World Concern, our approach to village transformation is holistic and addresses not only the physical needs in a community, but spiritual ones as well. We start by listening to community members. Each village identifies their greatest needs and drives the process of change. We partner with them, providing support, expertise, and practical tools – all in the power and love of Jesus.
The process is not always easy, and it’s sometimes messy. But through tried and proven methods that bring lasting change, entire villages are transformed. Our work is never a quick fix; transformation takes time. When a community is thriving on its own and can envision its future transformed, we know our work is finished.
Feed. Clothe. House. Heal.
St. Vincent is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to serving people in need and providing the community with the opportunity to serve. St. Vincent de Paul Phoenix is the largest council in the country and has been feeding, clothing, housing, and healing central and Northern Arizona families since 1946.
It operates a network of more than 80 neighborhood food pantries, five charity dining rooms, a transitional shelter, a resource center for the homeless, bill assistance, and homelessness prevention programming, as well as a charity clinic with medical, dental and wellness care for the uninsured.
Many individuals and families in our community have nowhere else to turn to for help. We are all called to serve where people need us most.
SVdP provides meaningful opportunities for people like yourself to volunteer your time to serve your neighbors in need with love and compassion.

How You Can Join Us

Medical, dental and wellness visits provided through our charity cvlinic and wellness center.
Service hours completed by 14,000 commited and compassionate volunteers.
Meals served through 5 charity dining rooms and across the community with 36 partner agencies.
Pounds of food received and distributed through our Central Food Bank.
Community drives hosted to collect clothing, hygiene products, toys and food.
Food box deliveries completed by local volunteers in communities across Arizona.
In rent and utility assistance helped families avoid eviction and homelessness.
Pounds of fresh produce harvested from our Urban Farms to complement meals and food boxes.
Individuals experiencing homelessness received 102,000 touch points of service, including hot showers, clean clothing, and hygiene products.
Faith. Family. Sports
Instilling Christ-like Character back into families and sports worldwide. Faith, nurtured in families and sports, strengthens individuals, communities, and the world.